Jiangsu, China
Hersteller/Werk & Handelsunternehmen
Zertifizierung des Managementsystems:
ISO9001:2015, ISO45001:2018, ISO14001
Die Anschrift:
Room 401, Building 01, Northwest District, Suzhou Nano City, No. 99 Jinji Lake Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park (NW-01#401)
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China Umkehrosmose-Membran-Element, Nanofiltrations-Membran-Element, RO-Membran, säurebeständige Membran, Bw RO-Membran, Sw RO-Membran, Entsalzungs-RO-Membran-Element, Lp RO-Membran, Wasseraufbereitungsgeräte und -systeme, Wasseraufbereitungs-Umkehrosmose-System hersteller / lieferanten und bietet qualität Proshare NF98 Serie PRO-8040 (8Inch) Nanofiltrationsmembran-Element für die Trennung von Materialien in der Industrie und das Filtrationssystem zur Wasseraufbereitung, Premium-Qualität Wasserfiltersystem Membran Bw-8040, Langanhaltendes Brackwasser 8040 4040 RO Membran-Element und so weiter.

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Ms. Trudy
Overseas Sales Manager


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Proshare Innovation Suzhou Co., Ltd.
Proshare Innovation Suzhou Co., Ltd.
Proshare Innovation Suzhou Co., Ltd.
Proshare Innovation Suzhou Co., Ltd.
Unternehmensart: Hersteller/Werk & Handelsunternehmen
Hauptprodukte: ‪Reverse Osmosis Membrane Element‬ , ‪Nanofiltration Membrane Element‬ , ‪RO Membrane‬ , ‪Acid Resistant Membrane‬ , ‪Bw RO Membrane‬ , ‪Sw RO Membrane‬ , ‪Desalination RO Membrane Element‬ , ‪Lp RO Membrane‬ , ‪Water Treatment Equipment and System‬ , ‪Water Treatment Reverse Osmosis System‬
Gründungsjahr: 2017-02-17
Zertifizierung des Managementsystems: ISO9001:2015, ISO45001:2018, ISO14001
Die Anschrift: Room 401, Building 01, Northwest District, Suzhou Nano City, No. 99 Jinji Lake Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park (NW-01#401)
Hauptmärkte: Inländisch
Bewertung: 5.0/5

Proshare Innovation Suzhou Co., Ltd.‌Is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the R&D and industrialization of third-generation thin-film nanocomposite (TFN) membranes for reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), and material separation applications.Founded in 2017 by a team of overseas-returned doctoral experts LED by Dr.Lin Xiaofeng, a recipient of national-level talent programs, the company has emerged as China′s sole domestic manufacturer of TFN membranes‌.Core Competencies‌Technological Innovation‌:Pioneered the application of TFN technology to nanofiltration membranes, achieving fully independent R&D and localized production of both membranes and manufacturing equipment‌.

‌Intellectual Property‌:Holds over 31 patents, with membrane performance reaching internationally leading standards and replacing monopolized foreign products‌.

‌Production Capacity‌:Operates a 2,000 m²R&D facility and a 15,000 m²Production base

‌Funding‌:Completed Pre-A Round (2023) and A Round (January 2025) financing, backed by Suzhou Industrial Park Science Innovation Fund and Yong Sheng Capital‌.

‌Market Recognition‌:Designated as a preferred supplier for listed environmental engineering firms and state-owned enterprises‌.

Leadership:Dr.Lin Xiaofeng, a pH.D.Graduate from the University of Strasbourg (France), has been recognized with provincial and national talent awards (e.g., Suzhou Leading Talent, Jiangsu Dual Innovation Talent) and leads the company′s R&D breakthroughs in TFN membrane industrialization.

Key Milestones & Achievements

‌2016‌:Dr.Lin Xiaofeng, a national-level high-caliber overseas talent and leader of the doctoral team, returned to China to establish the company‌.

‌2017‌:Founded its headquarters and R&D center in Suzhou Nano City, the world′s largest nanotechnology industrial hub‌.


•Launched China′s first ‌TFN coating production line‌, achieving mass production‌.

•Products applied in ‌Drinking water purification‌, ultrapure water systems, and wastewater reuse‌13.

‌2019‌:Expanded applications to ‌Textile wastewater, landfill leachate, and high-salinity/high-COD industrial wastewater‌, serving multiple listed companies‌.


•Secured angel investment from Tsinghua-affiliated funds.

•Introduced ‌SPEC customized membrane services‌, replacing imported products in critical sectors‌.


•Became a certified supplier to ‌Sinopec‌, with membranes deployed in traditional water treatment and emerging industries‌.

•Achieved breakthroughs in ‌Lithium extraction from salt lakes‌And acid/alkali recovery membranes.


•Established subsidiaries in Shenzhen, Changsha, Fujian, and a biopharma division, becoming a pioneer supplier for synthetic biology, lithium batteries, and copper foil industries‌.

•Entered a high-growth phase with expanding benchmark projects‌.


•Completed ‌Pre-A round financing‌And founded Jiangxi Proshare‌.

•Replaced imported desalination membranes on China′s first international luxury cruise ship.

•Advanced in PCB manufacturing, reclaimed water, and electronic-grade ultrapure water applications‌.


•Closed ‌Series A funding‌And launched subsidiaries in Yancheng and Shanghang‌.

•Awarded ‌First Prize in Science and Technology by China Membrane Industry Association‌And recognized as a provincial "Specialized, Refined, Distinctive, and Innovative" SME‌.

•Exported membranes to oversea market as such Asian,Middle East,North America,South America, serving listed semiconductor companies‌.

Allgemeine Informationen

3 Elemente verifiziert durch SGS
Hersteller/Werk & Handelsunternehmen
Reverse Osmosis Membrane Element, Nanofiltration Membrane Element, RO Membrane, Acid Resistant Membrane, Bw RO Membrane, Sw RO Membrane, Desalination RO Membrane Element, Lp RO Membrane, Water Treatment Equipment and System, Water Treatment Reverse Osmosis System
Zertifizierung des Managementsystems:
ISO9001:2015, ISO45001:2018, ISO14001
Die Anschrift:
Room 401, Building 01, Northwest District, Suzhou Nano City, No. 99 Jinji Lake Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park (NW-01#401)


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Anzahl Außenhandelsmitarbeiter:
1 Pc
Internationale Handelsbedingungen (Incoterms):
LC, T/T, D/P, PayPal, Western Union, Kleinbetragszahlung
Durchschnittliche Lieferzeit:
Vorlaufzeit In Der Hauptsaison: Innerhalb von 15 Werktagen, Vorlaufzeit Außerhalb Der Saison, Innerhalb von 15 Werktagen
1 Year
Nächster Hafen:
Shanghai Port


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Prüfart für Fertigerzeugnisse:
100% Inspektion(Visuelle Inspektion & Funktionsprüfung)
Prüfverfahren für Fertigprodukte:
Das fertige Produkt wird vom Verpackungspersonal geprüft
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